Oh the colours ... Fall Fashion Shoot
Oh the fall, one of my favorite times of the year. When else do you get to wake up and need to put a sweater on, then to only have to take it off half way through the day.
You start to get that nice crisp air, and those fall smell's. Now I bet for most of you, it's that "pumpkin spice" smell, right? Well for me, the one I like most, it has to be that wood burning smell, be it from the camp fire in the bush, or that nice toasty warm wood stove. Nothing can beat that scent, if I could make my clothes smell like that all the time, let me tell you :)

With fall comes those amazing colours, the reds, oranges and yellows... It's like mother nature knew just what colours to use to make such a season so beautiful to look at.
So what better way take advantage of what mother nature has given us, then to do a fall fashion shoot.
This past Monday, we had the chance to do just that. We took a trip out to Round Lake, along with Mickayla and 3 pieces of fashion, to go out and do a fall fashion shoot. We have worked with Mickayla on a few occasions and each time we come back with some incredible images. I mean she did just amazing ... and its kinda funny, cuz the one thing I told her she couldn't do was play with her hair, it was hard for her, but I think we maybe only got 1 or 2 shots with hair play. lol
If you want a fall fashion shoot, make sure to book it soon, before all the colours are gone!